Ever catch yourself grinding or clenching your teeth? This is very destructive to your teeth causing severe tooth wear and cracked teeth over a period of years. Also the TMJ – the Tempro Mandibular Joint can get worn, start clicking, and become painful. Since when you are asleep you have no control over it – you need a Nightguard. The type that is most often used is made of a clear and resilient plastic material exactly fitted to molds we took of your teeth. It is mandatory to wear a Nightguard when you have an implant. It is provided to you as part of your implant treatment.
If you are in doubt if you need a Nightguard, we can make a determination after looking for wear facets and cracks on your teeth, and asking a few questions. If you need one, we will take impressions of your teeth to create molds, and have the Nightguard ready in less than a week. When you need a new Nightguard, we can make it for you that day, and at a far reduced cost from the initial one. As a courtesy, we also keep your tooth models on file as long as you are an active patient.